
Our Board of Directors features many respected leaders from the Alexandria community.

Current Board

Shawn Eyer, CAE, CFRE

Shawn Eyer is deeply involved in cultural issues in the city of Alexandria, with over a decade of experience at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial. He is the Executive Director of the Virginia Trust for Historic Preservation, and the Managing Director of Communications and Education at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial. In addition to these duties, he is the Chair of the city’s Historic Alexandria Resource Commission, and also serves on the board of directors for the Friends of the Carlyle House. He holds a management degree from Harvard University and has been a Certified Fundraising Executive since 2019. An active educator, he is employed by Harvard University as a teaching assistant for graduate courses in management, and has been an Advisory Board member for Shenandoah University’s Transformative Leadership Program. He served as the Foundation’s Chief Development Officer for two years prior to becoming President.

Tyler Vanice
Vice President

Tyler Vanice was the Chair of the City of Alexandria's George Washington Birthday Celebration Committee, Virginia, for four years, two of them chaired with the Foundation's founder Joe Shumard. Tyler and Joe founded this organization to create support in promoting and educating the public about George Washington. He has a deep knowledge of George Washington as he worked at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial for a decade and and is passionate in supporting community events and programs related to George Washington.

Jeanne G. Jacob, CAE (Ret.)

Jeanne Jacob is a retired foundation executive, teacher, speaker, and author with nearly 50 years experience as a CFRE (Certified Fundraising Executive) and CAE (Certified Association Executive) in the nonprofit sector and higher education. She served 11 years as Executive Director of the Goodwin House Foundation, 12 years as Executive Vice President of the American Society of Civil Engineers Foundation, 8 years as Director of Development at the National Academy of Engineering, 8 years with Youth for Understanding International Student Exchange, and was an Admissions Officer at the University of Chicago and Mount Holyoke College. She was honored by her peers as the Metro Areas' Fundraiser of the Year, and co-authored three editions of the best-selling textbook Fundraising Basics: A Complete Guide. Currently, she serves on the boards of the following Alexandria nonprofits: Friendship Firehouse; Alexandria Sportsman’s Club; Alexandria Fire Foundation; George Washington Legacy Foundation; and the Seminary Ridge Civic Association.

Jennifer Warren

Past Presidents

Joe Shumard, 2018–2020 [learn more]