Supporting Parade Sponsorship

A Supporting Sponsorship for the Parade is $500.

Recognition as a Supporting Sponsor in the publicity and promotion for the George Washington Birthday Parade, including:

  • The GWBCC website and events page, with logo and website link (
  • The GWBCC press release announcing the Parade and all February events
  • The GWBCC monthly newsletter for 6+ issues (500+ recipients), with logo
  • A GWBCC Facebook post and tweet thanking the Parade sponsors
  • The Visit Alexandria website page listing February events celebrating George Washington’s birthday (
  • A thank-you advertisement in The Zebra (30,000 doorstep-delivered copies) after the Parade, with logo

Recognition as the Parade’s Supporting Sponsor on Parade Day, including:

  • Name on signage on Parade reviewing stand
  • Name on signage at Post-Parade Awards & Appreciation Reception

Sponsorship Payment Options

Pay online with the option below. If you prefer to pay by check, make check payable to the George Washington Legacy Foundation and mail to:
GWLF at Renner & Company
700 North Fairfax Street
Suite 400
Alexandria, VA 22314